Thursday 28 September 2017

Autumn/Winter Jewellery Trends 2017/18

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Hottest Jewellery Trends For Autumn/Winter 2017

"If you’ve every looked at jewellery from the runway and thought, “I could never wear or pull that off!” You would be right.
Most fashion designers work with talented jewellers to create pieces that are purposely and imaginatively over-the-top to accentuate their fashion message for the season.
These are the styles that influence trends and inspire jewellers to create toned down versions of the looks—the size and weight of, say, earrings that have been carefully proportioned not to drag down your lobes, or necklaces that won’t put you into traction.
The Autumn/Winter 2017/18 runway shows surprised and delighted with certain jewels that you could wear exactly as they appeared on the runway.
Quite a number of these styles have been around for seasons, such as the now ubiquitous ear climbers and ear cuffs as well as the charm of talisman necklaces.
But there are also new renditions of ‘70s arm cuffs, hoops and fringe earrings and necklaces."

See more from original source, here...
Below are some of the main trends from the different fashion shows around the world...


Our delicate earrings are taking a back seat this season to make way for their sturdier counterpart: the thick gold hoop.
Hailing back to the late '80s and early '90s with the likes of hip-hop royalty (oh, heyyy, Sade), these bigger, more substantial versions feel like the perfect, everyday throwback."

One of the hottest jewellery trends this Autumn are large hoop earrings.

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Luckily, delicate gold bands are still going strong, but this new crop of finger bling adds some old-school flair.
Think: over size stones and thick metal bands that grab attention all by themselves—or while layered in with your favourite thread-like ones."

Get some statement rings this Autumn.

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All hail the explosion of serpentine motifs (we’re lookin’ at you, Gucci) that have slithered their way into our closets and now our jewellery chest, too.
Winding ear cuffs and coiled rings make this reptilian trend as playful as it is Gothic, and we’re seriously on board."

One of the hottest trends for Autumn jewellery are snake designs.

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These round-faced rings were originally used as seals in ancient Egypt, then status symbols in the 19th century with initials or family crests.
Now, the monogram is back, and we love the idea of it on a tiny gold pinky ring, but the bands come in all shapes and sizes to suit whatever mood you’re in."

You can find signet rings in our Kirkcaldy jewellery shop.

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Don’t get us wrong: We love an understated pair of studs as much as the next gal.
But if fashion week gave us any indication of fall trends, it’s that you’ve got to go bold or go home. Case in point: super-reflective sheet metal—whether silver, gold, hammered, mirrored or iridescent—draws all the light toward you for an “I’ve arrived” moment at every angle."

Bright metal jewellery seems to be all the rage for this Autumn/Winter.

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If Zendaya can rock disco-like chandelier earrings, so can you.
This party-girl staple isn’t just for the dance floor (though it’ll definitely play well there, too). Pair your rhinestone mesh and crystal-studded danglers with graphic tees and over size blazers for an edgy twist on the classic '80s trend."

Adding to the Crystal Jewellery trend at A K Campbell Jewellery shop, Kirkcaldy!

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And if those aren't enough to keep you going, here's some more Autumn Jewellery trends to help you get ahead in the style stakes this Winter...

9 More Autumn Jewellery Styles


1.) Asymmetrical Earrings

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Bring on the queer and the unique jewellery because one of the most trendy pieces this fall includes something that can be way out of the comfort zone of some people.
Yes, they're what we call the asymmetrical earrings.
It seems that fashion nowadays has its take on seeing beauty out of the not-so-ordinary. Fall is all about layering, so I guess this jewellery style will go perfectly with the layering trends come the Autumn season.
Layered jackets and asymmetric details do provide such a stunning and magnetic contrast to each other. We can't wait to see this style conquer fashion scenes.

2.) Layered Pearls
You can find layered Pearls in our jewellery shop on the High Street, Kirkcaldy.

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They may be considered a prime classic jewellery, but there's no denying here that whatever the season, pearls don't ever get missed on the trend.
I mean, who can ignore the grand beauty that can only be given by pearls alone?
A time of layered clothes deserves a complement of layered jewellery that is why one of the jewellery trends for fall include layered pearl necklaces.
Layering pearls always create a regal dimension look: classy, sophisticated, and downright high-fashion.
So bring out the pearls out of your box; it's time for them to make an appearance soon!

3.) Single Earrings
Single earrings are a major trend this year.

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No, this is not just a case of "Oh my gosh, did she lose the other pair of her earrings?"
It turns out, she has not, and she has just found a trend in jewellery that is so unique: donning single earrings. Now, this popular way of wearing earrings started in the runways of New York during its fashion week.
It got its seal of approval when models from the Paris runways started wearing them to their shows, too.
The best thing about this, there are no rules. Whether you love hoop, statement, diamond stud, or dangling earrings, the best way to wear them now is on their own.

4.) Punk Jewellery
The gothic, punk and rock style jewellery is in this Autumn.

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Punk's not dead, y'all; it's not dead. In fact, it has made an appearance in some of the most prestigious fashion shows in the New York and Paris Fashion week!
Sterling silver pieces with distinct, iconic details are one of the must haves for the upcoming fall fashion. This reminds me of a throwback to the 90's grunge phase.
This is just one of the reasons why the 90's era is considered a big influence in the world of fashion.
If you feel like rocking out this look, time to bring out those sterling silver, black, and bronze jewellery pieces and layer them together!

5.) Raw Stones

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By themselves, gemstone jewellery is a huge hit to many. They're lovely, they're colourful, they complement many looks, and they're majestic.
But, make them raw and you get a different kind of beauty.
Raw stones jewellery pieces are a huge hit in the fashion scene today because they offer such a unique touch to any fashion item that you wear.
Either you wear them as rings, necklace, or bangles, these raw stones jewellery are sure to make a statement.
Just proves that you don't need to get all polished to be able to achieve such breathtaking beauty.

6.) Bangles over Sleeves
Find bangles you can wear over sleeves at our jewellery shop on the High Street, Kirkcaldy.

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Brace yourselves, the cold seasons are coming.
But, this does not mean that our jewellery game won't be as strong just because we will be wearing our sweaters and jackets.
All thanks to the gods of fashion, we can still look just as chic even though we are totally wrapped in layers of clothing.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a new fashion trend today is called "bangles-over-sleeves" where bangles are placed on wrists over a piece of clothing.
This trend has caught so many eyes when it first made its way to the red carpet.
So long, jewellery troubles during the cold months!

7.) Across-ear earrings

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Across-ear earrings, also known as ear cuffs, are now domineering the world of earrings since they first appeared on the runway.
Celebrities like Emma Watson could not resist getting hooked to such jewellery trend when she stepped out on the red carpet looking A+ per usual.
We love this jewellery as it bridges the line between sophistication and looking edgy.
Across-ear earrings look so good when they're made out of crystals, gems, and studs.
If you're looking for a statement to go with your staple little black dress for the Autumn, then this style of earring should be a top pick for you!

8.) Statement Necklace
Find statement necklaces in our Kirkcaldy shop.

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You got your clothes-to-layer ready, a bold lipstick, and some stunning pair of heels, but you feel that there's still something that is missing. What could it be?
Yes, you got it right, you forgot your statement necklace! Indeed, a statement necklace is a staple accessory for the fall. It's chic but it sure is loud and perfect as an exclamation point for all the clothes you have layered on.
The love for statement necklaces doesn't just stop on the streets; even the people in the runway give importance to this stunning piece of accessory.
If you will be making a statement, make it beautiful!

9.) Layered Necklace
There's loads of necklaces to choose for layering your necklaces in our shop on Kirkcaldy High Street.

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The love for layered necklace don't just end during the summer, it continues up to Autumn!
If you are looking for a conventional, easy, and versatile jewellery trend, layered necklaces are the ones you should look out for.
They're chic and they're very easy to do. Just throw in some gold chain necklaces and you're good to go.
Also, they go well with almost every outfit! There's a reason why this look is still not going out of the market. Surely we will see more of this from the fall time to the Coachella days!

See more from original source, here...
See our guide to layering necklaces, here...
These Autumn Jewellery trends are the big must-haves for everyone who wants to own the cold seasons with their bling.
If you're still on the look out for amazing and unique pieces of jewellery that you can use after the Winter months, check out A K Campbell's collection of long chain necklaces, statement rings, necklaces, earrings and more.
See you soon!

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The following post Autumn/Winter Jewellery Trends 2017/18 is republished from A.K. Campbell & Sons Blog

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